About Us

Who we are :

16 Years In The Making. 1500+ Traders To Date.

We've helped thousands of traders achieve their trading goals. If you have a passion for trading, we'll provide the tools, instruction and one-on-one guidance for you to become a winning trader.

We are professional stock traders with each having more than 15 years of trading experience in the US stock Market- one of the world's biggest stock market.

With our combined knowledge and rich experience, we open new wealth creation avenues for you.

Join us as to learn and earn from the US stock markets.

Nitin S. Karodade

Nitin began trading stocks during the Subprime crises in 2007 experiencing several ups and downs while growing his account and his knowledge of how the market works.

It didn’t take very long for him to realize he had a passion for trading, and that he was particularly drawn to the excitement and profit potential of day and swing trading. While he grew his skill set through experience and self-education.

After years spent trading and developing refining his trading strategies, Nitin founded NEWERA STOCKKVARSITY to teach others the unique price volume theory and earn money from stock market.


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